1 May 2012

Things that remind me of my eternal childhood.

Saludos del espacio, terricolas! O tal vez no.
No sé quien quiera saberlo pero igual les diré. No sé que tanto se haga en otros lugares pero en México, existe esta tradición de darles un día a los niños. Así como a las madres, padres, etc. 
Bueno, no diré mucho, solo felicidades a aquellos que ameriten la felicitación! Eh? ¡Feliz día del Niño! 
Le acompaño con unas fotografías que me recuerdan lo mejor de ser niño-tada! 

Found on Tumblr.

Remain a child, till the end of times!

27 April 2012

Novedades // NEW IN!

¡Saludos! Les comparto una única foto de algo de mis compritas. Hay algo más pero espero compartirlo en otro momento.
¡Qué tengan un buen viernes! 

Súeter Tejido y Oxfords Florales/ Knitted Sweater & Floral Oxfords.

25 April 2012


SHOE NUMBER ONE. Platform-sneaker. 

Ballerina flats. 

Dr. Martens in pastel.

20 April 2012

Despedirse una vez más.

Vista del Atardecer. 
Saludos, ojalá que hayan tenido un buen viernes. 
Yo les comparto algunas fotografías de lo que hice hoy, algo que salió por completo de la rutina, un día con una de mis mejores amigas.

19 April 2012

Ideas Primaverales.

Buenas Noches-Tardes-Días, dependiendo su zona horaria.

Ya sé, he intentado revivir este foro en tres ocasiones y dos de ellas he fallado. No sé que será de ésta pero aquí estoy, intentando de nuevo.
Supongo que soy una persona persistente.

Mi única idea para este blog era crear un mundo paralelo, algo similar a mi vida pero que no se enfocara tanto en un lado sensible, en algo más externo, un diario con fotografías, intereses y otros.
No sé donde debí haber comenzado para conseguir eso pero lo intenté aquí. Sigo intentandolo.
Uno de mis gustos culpables, es que me entretienen los blogs de moda, a un nivel singular y extraordinario. Tendencias, gustos, ideas, inspiración.
Desde un principio me sentí tentada a buscar algo parecido y lo he hecho, sin éxito alguno.
Algo que me pregunto, es porqué tantos países tienen las conocidas 'bloggers' tan jóvenes, tan conocidas y por qué nosotros no. 
Con nosotros me refiero a México, el lugar de donde verdaderamente vengo. Nada de imágenes de sombreros y tacos, dejen de cerrarse a un patrón tan viejo como el tiempo mismo y si no lo hacen, de forma agradecida les doy una palmada amigable en la espalda.
Y ahora me doy cuenta de que me esforzaré, me uniré de forma sutil a las pocas bloggers Mexicanas, tomaré un lugar a la vez y ahora, intentaré empezar en español para quizá después escribir en ambos idiomas. -Soy una fiel amante del inglés y bueno... podrán ver con entradas anteriores. 

Espero que el discurso me valga de algo. 

¡Qué la suerte esté siempre de su lado!

9 April 2012

The Hunger Games Tag.

HAPPY HUNGER GAMES, EASTER! Today, since I've broken my promise about that April Challenge-Whoops- I bring you HG fans a Tag.
They're usually done in YouTube, I knooow! I am just not a very Vloggy person so, here we are.
Thanks to Joey Graceffa, Alex Carpenter and The Readables Channel for the questions..
Here they are! I must say NO SPOILERS-SPOILER FREE for those who wish to remain unknowing. 
Feel free to read, everyone!

1. Gale or Peeta
Peeta forever. 

2. Effies crazy style or Sweet and simple like Cinna
Well, getting on my fashiony side, I would say... nah, I would say it anyways: Cinna.
 Only a line of golden to make it shine!

3. Life in The Capitol or Slug it out in the districts
Districts, of course. The excitment, the fear, the woods. 

4. Bread from District 11 or Lamb stew from The Capitol
Bread from District 11? Yeah, I'll always go for the boy with the bread. 

5. Katnisses archery skills or Cato's knife fighting abilities
Archery skills, very classy and less blood spilling all over the place.

6. Peetas gift of camouflage or Rue's gift of climbing
Rue's climbing is a non-human power. Or not.

7. Become an Avox or Get stung by a Tracker Jacker.
Get stung by a Trackert Jacker. It may be a hell of pain but, I'd like to know what would I see... 

8. Join forces with the Careers or run to the hills.
I am not a person who runs but, anything better than pretending.

9. Who's cuter? Prim or Rue
Staying true to the book, I somehow feel we had more of Rue than Prim through the books, Prim was constantly mentioned but never fully explained. Katniss barely noticed she grew and so did we.
So, for the book: Rue.  
For the movie: Prim. Willow Shields is the cutest girl ever.

10. Run for the Cornucopia or run for the hills. 
Run for your life, Ann.

30 March 2012

May the Odds be Ever in your Favor.

*Joins the three fingers from the middle on her right hand and raises them in the air* HELLO PANEM! 

Okay, so, no?
I was unsure about writing anything about the Hunger Games because I know, at least, that Spain hasn't seen it yet.
And maybe others are living the same torture.

Saddly, I have seen it and I must say, I fell in love. The music, the faces, the... everything. The action, the romance, the story. I am just gonna say, I am a huge fan of the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellarck and well, you know the deal.

I was allowed to go to the premier on my city- I nearly kill to get them! No, not really but I tried out about... 20 times and just kept failing! I guess divine intervention played in my favor!- and I would like to meet and know other HG fans out there.
And no worries, I wasn't lucky enough to actually meet the cast or see them or... anything cool like that, still, the movie, a week before everyone. I ain't gonna complain.

This is for everyone out there, I recommend The Hunger Games, both movies and books, for anyone looking for an easy reading captivating story. It will satisfy you till the end.
I must, as well, say that there are some incredible people out there working on music and videos (Alex Carpenter/ Joey Graceffa/ Luke Conard on YouTube)  highly recommended!
I'd love to hear, read and know your thoughts.


16 February 2012

Valentine's Day.

No matter if you spend it alone -I did!- or with friends -I did!- or with TV -I did!- or with your couple... 
I hope you had a romantic day and YES, I do take attention to today for I sense it as an effort for people, for it's truly hard to put such effort to whatever it's done, friendship, love, romance, family.
You simply sometimes find it too easy to take things for granted.

And to get in the mood, I made a few presents for friends, candy inside! DIY, including the printed logo from up there!
I ended up loving the packaging and here's the pic of that and my outfit!
I hope you had an amazing time and I WOULD LOVE to read what you did, what you wore, what you think!

Happy Valentine's! Will you be my Valentine?

11 February 2012

Day 8.


I made my best to take a picture directly to sunlight -without losing my eyesight.
Now it reminds me of the sea.

10 February 2012

Day 7.


Buttons that speak. This are just something I came across the right day, -actually, day 7- and 
since sometimes you can find the prettiest buttons, ballet shoes, dresses, sunhats... here they are!
Guess buttons can be like earrings!

Day 6.


Okay, this owns an explanation. The other day, maybe three nights ago, I had a burger for dinner.
It was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. Every way.
Yet, the picture didn't capture it- Looked gross.
So, I made a drawing! Yes, am not the best or closer to good but it's my dinner.

9 February 2012

Day 4.

A stranger.

People like to call me 'shy'. They find it terribly easy.
They just don't know the truth.

6 February 2012

Day 3.


If it makes any kind of sense, they're hands. Mustache-y hands.
More like 'hand'.
Merci a mes meilleures amies. (?)

Day 2.


One Day. First Chapter.

5 February 2012

Day 1.

Your view today.

It may have been weird, the way I knew I could always find her sitting on the same spot. 
Everyday, unknowingly, I found myself looking over in free hours and hoping to find her just sitting around, even when I just walked.
What if she had a routine? Or... maybe she didn't, maybe that place meant something. Something special.
I was willing to find out.
-Ana Araujo G. 

1 February 2012

February Photo A Day Challenge.


 Thanks to this lovely blogger I found out about this challenge. 
It seems nice and interesting, specially since at school they requested random and beautiful photographs, perhaps this will help get some, if not, they'll be inspiring and interesting! 
I do hope so, at least.
It's bad though, because I found out... just about now! Day two already. 
So, tomorrow there'll be two more pictures and oh! It's February, isn't that LOVELY? 
I think so, besides, my birthday is coming REALLY soon. 
Hope to get some pics! 